Part One

Can you imagine living 3 km from the Gaza border and only having 15 seconds to get to safety when the rocket siren sounds? Hamas continually aims rockets and incendiary balloons at Israeli communities, like Kibbutz Alumim, making it impossible for these Israelis to live normal lives. Therefore, its is extremely important to equip these Israelis, young and old, with practical tools on how to seek protection in shelters, duck and cover in open areas, as well as cope with trauma and fear. 

Esther Marcus a licensed therapist explained, “The Christian Embassy has our back. Knowing that you support us enables us to help other people. To see Christians and Jews working together fills my heart and fills my soul with absolute joy and hope. We see miracles everyday, but we just have to know how to open our eyes to them and to appreciate them.”

Watch this eye-opening video of the daily battles for Israeli communities near the Gaza border, as well as the incredible miracles God is doing everyday!

Help Israeli communities in crisis today!